Why Is A Low Staff To Resident Ratio A Good Thing For Care?

Residential Assisted Living Homes are designed to provide care and assistance to residents who are unable to live independently. The quality of care provided in these homes is heavily dependent on the number of staff per resident. Studies have shown that having more staff per resident is beneficial for patient care. This article will explore why having more staff per resident is better for patient care.

One of the main reasons why having more staff per resident is better for patient care is that it leads to improved resident outcomes. When more staff are available to care for patients, they can provide more personalized care. This means they can spend more time with each patient, assessing their needs and addressing any concerns. This personalized care can lead to improved health outcomes, better management of chronic conditions, and improved quality of life.

Another reason having more staff per resident is better for patient care is that it leads to fewer incidents of patient neglect or abuse. When there is not enough staff available to care for patients, it can be easy for neglect or abuse to occur. Staff may become overwhelmed, and their ability to provide appropriate care may be compromised. Having more staff available ensures that each patient receives the care and attention they need, reducing the risk of neglect or abuse.

In addition to improving patient outcomes and reducing incidents of neglect or abuse, having more staff per resident can also improve staff morale. When there are not enough staff available to care for patients, staff may become frustrated, stressed, and overwhelmed. This can lead to high turnover rates and a decrease in the quality of care provided. Having more staff available ensures that staff are able to provide the best possible care to patients, which can lead to increased job satisfaction and a lower turnover rate.

Finally, having more staff per resident can improve the facility’s overall efficiency. When there are not enough staff available, it can be difficult to complete all of the necessary tasks in a timely manner. This can lead to delays in care, missed medication doses, and other issues that can negatively impact patient care. Having more staff available ensures that all of the necessary tasks can be completed on time, reducing the risk of delays and improving the facility’s overall efficiency.

In conclusion, having more staff per resident is better for patient care. It leads to improved patient outcomes, fewer incidents of neglect or abuse, improved staff morale, and increased efficiency. Nursing homes should strive to maintain appropriate staffing levels to ensure that each patient receives the care and attention they need to live a healthy and fulfilling life.

Majestic Residences is committed to having a very low staff-to-resident ratio. Unlike the big communities where you could have one caregiver per 15 residents, we are committed to one caregiver for every 4 to 6 residents.